Garden Greenhouses

Depending on how much money you’re willing to spend and and what you want kind of growing you want to do there are many greenhouse types to choose from. From mini window designs to big hoop house structures in your backyard, you’ll have no problem finding just the right fit for your needs. If you have a bunch of space ready to use, then you can add on to your greenhouse as you fill it up over time.
A homemade garden greenhouse can be an attached design which incorporates one of the homes external sides with its own, or a free standing unit situated at some point away from the home.
Garden greenhouses will fall into several classifications based on things like the style of roof, the layout of the side walls, and finally the foundation. Getting a clear understanding of these various styles of hobby houses will help greatly in making the correct decision about what best fulfills your needs.
Greenhouses types are separated into three basic styles: Attached, Ridge or furrow and Detached. In this article I will talk mainly about attached and ridge types.
The Attached Greenhouse

If the amount of area you have is at a premium the lean-to is a solid option. This kind of efficient design is actually connected to your home or garage and ideally has a doorway leading into the building.
Your attached greenhouse can be constructed with a ceiling as high as the wall of the shared dwelling will allow. Also, the connecting wall will lessen the amount of sunlight available.. In addition you need to account for the fact that snow fall may pile up rapidly on the roof of your home and slide onto the greenhouse leading to damage, so extra effort on that front might become a reality.
In the final analysis the main advantages enjoyed by these types of greenhouses are the savings in material costs, lower heating and electrical expense and easy accessibility.
The Ridge or Furrow Greenhouse

These are joined by a shared gutter only at the bottom edges or eaves of the roof. With this kind of design in place the attached greenhouse enjoys the added benefit of having more light available to it under its canopy. The roof design of these structures will be either curved or gabled.
Free Standing Greenhouses

An even-span (or free standing) house is a wonderful design style that can be set up as an attached or detached structure . In the attached variety, it has one gabled end attached to the end of another building. These greenhouses are best suited for being expanded later on if you find your self running out of room in the future.
It has the capacity to accommodate two or three benches for crop production and beats the lean-to in availability of usable space and better shape and size to maintain optimum temperature and ventilation. Free standing greenhouses like this are usually best when they stay within dimensions between 10x8 to 12x15. Bigger or smaller than that and it starts getting a bit tricky.